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SIZE | 2,03 GB |
DURATION | 28:29 MIN |
PRICE | 20 EUR |
Tiara and Helen run the exclusive and secret White Socks Asphyxia Club. They offer customers breath reduction games. They can either act out on Helen or Tiara or do it on the customer themselves. Helen and Tiara have tricks up their sleeves for both variants, because these customers will never show up again. They kill and steal from these customers, steal their bank accounts and possessions. They have never been suspected, because these customers do not reveal their secret preferences and act them out in secret with Tiara and Helen.
However, Kelly got on the trail of the two after Kelly’s friend disappeared. Kelly pretends to be a normal customer while secretly planning revenge on Helen and Tiara.
After Kelly was greeted and the official part was decided, Kelly decided to strangle Helen. Everything has to be done in white socks and while Kelly changes her socks, Tiara prepares a poisoned drink.
Kelly takes a small sip of it, but maybe it was too little. Because when Kelly strangles Helen, who is only acting at the beginning, we don’t see anything of the poison’s effect. And that worries Tiara, who also panics when Kelly strangles Helen harder, so that she falls unconscious.
Tiara looks for Helen and Kelly takes advantage of the chaos to attack Tiara and her. Kelly strangles Tiara slowly, brutally and mercilessly.
We see a few shots of Tiara’s corpse on the floor and in the following scene the lifeless body is laid on Helen. When Helen wakes up she is confused. She looks at what happened to Tiara and Kelly now strangles Helen too, who can’t move well because Tiara’s corpse is lying on top of her.
After Kelly has gotten her revenge, her throat starts to scratch. The poison is finally working. Kelly doesn’t think about the fact that it is the water that is causing her problems. Kelly now drinks the water again and her poisoning is accelerated. After Kelly’s painful poisoning, three beautiful women are now lying dead in the apartment.