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SIZE | 2,42 GB |
DURATION | 17:30 MIN |
PRICE | 15 EUR |
This is the first episode of a customer project.
Tiara takes on the role of the spy Agent Sapphire and Titus plays the role of a killer from the opposing side Argent.
Agent Sapphire is in a safe house and is on the phone with headquarters. HQ checks everything is okay because Argent is after Sapphire. Sapphire is confident and doesn’t worry about not being able to handle the situation.
While Saphire is still on the phone, an Argent killer appears and sneaks up. Immediately after the sexy agent ends the phone call, the attacker wraps a nylon around the agent’s thin neck and chokes her. The attacker clearly enjoys what he is doing, but it happens too quickly. He lets go of the agent, who has already collapsed but is still conscious. While the agent tries not to pass out, the attacker pulls a cloth with chloroform out of his pocket. He stuns the agent with it.
Agent Sapphire’s situation is pretty hopeless. She now finds herself tied up in a chair. Argent’s killer grins at her. Sapphire pleads for her life. The killer now begins to strangle the defenseless agent again. Sapphire makes cruel choking noises and kicks her legs, trying to free herself from her bonds. Maybe she can survive long enough? Maybe reinforcements and rescue will come in time? It takes a long time, but no one comes. The killer lets go of Sapphire. He is a sadist and enjoys his work. He gives Sapphire some air, but she passes out.
When Sapphire comes to, the torment begins again. There is no help and no rescue. The sexy agent is strangled very slowly and painfully by Argent’s killer.
After the job is done, the killer checks the agent’s pulse and leaves the hideout while we see a few final shots of the lifeless body of our sexy heroine.