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SIZE | 1,70 GB |
DURATION | 12:29 MIN |
Helen is a spy. She has gained access to an apartment and is now looking for secret information. Suddenly she is hit in the neck by a tranquilizer dart. Helen grabs her neck and falls to the ground shortly afterwards. Some time later Helen finds herself tied up on the bed. She lies on her stomach. Her shoes, socks and gloves were removed. Helen tries to untie the bonds, but then a POV person appears and asks Helen questions. Helen is very afraid of revealing something. The POV person gives Helen some more time to think, but she also points out that poison gas will pour into the room if Helen tries to escape. The person leaves. Helen wonders if this can really be? The room ends up looking completely normal. Helen takes the risk and continues to fight hard against the bonds to free herself. It wasn’t a bluff. Poisongar rushes into the room and Helen tries to hold her breath and continues to fight against the bonds. Finally Helen inhales the gas. A long agony begins, which Helen ultimately loses.