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SIZE | 406 MB |
DURATION | 05:43 MIN |
Tiara is happy because she is preparing for her date. When there is a knock on the door, Tiara opens the door and smiles. But then she looks down and sees in horror that her date is holding a gun, raising his arm and aiming it at her. Tiara takes a cautious step back. The attacker fires a shot into Tiara’s stomach with his silenced pistol. Tiara collapses in pain and after a while is able to stand up a little, but then she takes another hit. Tiara is in terrible pain and doesn’t understand what’s happening. She gives her POV attacker questioning and desperate looks. Tiara is hit by a bullet again and falls onto the sofa. Her heart begins to race one last time because a short time later she receives the final shot and her desperate expression becomes blank.